Responsive image
City Lights

We monitor Electricity, Oil, Gas, Water,
Temperature, Humidity, Steam,
Air Pressure, whatever you want.


We can monitor all your meters directly
or fetch data from your supplier's website.

Blue pylons

We can help you avoid costly penalties
in upcoming Supply Capacity changes.


We have saved our customers thousands
on previously undiscovered
wasted water.

Light bulb

You won't know the true value of your
energy saving projects without
permanent continuous monitoring.

Web and IT  services

State Of The Art Software

Specialists in Energy Monitoring Software

Our primary focus is Energy Monitoring Software, also known as AM&T (Automatic Monitoring and Targeting) software, especially real-time communication and analysis, using our award winning Eco Warrior product range.  We also produce software for Energy Data Loggers (the Reporter Professional range), Gas Analysis software (FireWorks family) and specialised Tariff Analysis and design solutions.

Our software will help you understand your energy use better and then confirm that you are making a difference. It can be used for Bill Checking, Tenant Billing, Cost Centre Allocation, Demand Side Response (DSR) and much more.

Our software is the result of continuous improvement to meet our customers needs. We strive to ensure our products are easy to use and our customer feedback confirms that they are. We are always interested to hear customers opinions and suggestions and are happy to help when questions arise.

Track Record

We have over 30 years experience of software development in many fields, including financial and medical, and more than 20 years specialist knowledge of real-time energy monitoring.

We have provided software to government agencies, councils, schools, heavy industry, the armed forces and many FTSE 100 companies.

Our software is in regular use throughout the UK and around the world.


Reporter Professional Plus Version 5 is Out Now!

We have recently launched a major update to our premium logger product.

** Click Here to See What's New **

** Click Here for Pricing and Purchase Details **